audio visual

public health videos
interview & presentation examples
images from the archive


public health television & cinema ads

I produced a series of public health television and cinema advertisements during my tenure as Scottish Drug Czar. They were created following hundreds of hours of focus group research with adolescents and teenagers.

Each ad spoke to a relevant concern of the varying age groups and the media buying was targeted very specifically to reflect each demographic.

The ads went on to win several awards with 'Dealer' picking up the prestigious European advertising industry’s coveted effectiveness award for its evaluated impact on drug experimentation within the targeted audience demographic.


Focuses on suspicion and distrust of ‘dealers’

Target audience – Teenagers


Focuses on personal risks when under the influence of drugs

Target audience – Teenage girls


Focuses on mental health concerns of young people

Target audience – Adolescents


Focuses on how drug use can affect your future career

Target audience – Adolescents


example radio interview & professional talk

BBC Radio 4 Today Programme
– Interview

London Regenerative Medicine Network
– Virgin Health Bank Cord Blood Banking Presentation


a selection of photographs from the archives…